On Saturday, August 13th 2011, Teamsters Local Union No. 91 hosted an open house to celebrate their 50th Anniversary. Many Members and their families came out to celebrate and enjoy a BBQ lunch. Members also had an opportunity to visit their building, the Members’ Building, officially named in 2009 to acknowledge it is 100% owned by the Members. It paid off in 2009 with the help of past and present Members, a tribute to their hard work and dedication.
A picture was taken during the celebration, which will be posted in the main hall of the Members’ Building. This picture was taken in memory of the late Brother George Perrin, who was a Business Representative from 1976 until his retirement in 1993. He then became Chairman of Teamsters Local Union No. 91’s Retiree Committee until his recent passing away in 2011. A picture and frame will be hung in the main hall in his memory.
We would like to thank on behalf of the Executive Board and staff of Teamsters Local Union No. 91 all the Members and retirees who attended. I would also like to extend a special thanks to Robert Penelle for bringing the Teamsters Canada truck to our event. Lastly the event would not have been as successful without the efforts of our administrative assistant Kate Alarie who is also a Member of the Teamsters Canada Youth Committee.
Here's to looking forward to another 50 years…
Page Last Updated: Sep 30, 2023 (14:37:08)